When writing a personal card, it’s always hard to know what to say. You want to avoid being way too personal with your anniversary wishes, but you don’t want to be very distant either. It’s especially awkward if there’s a party and they might read it aloud– you don’t want to be embarrassed in front of everyone!
When it comes to anniversaries, they are very exciting occasions that are worth celebrating. However, the sentiment is sometimes hard to pin down– should be about how long your love has lasted, and how happy you are to be married? Should it be about all the great times you’ve shared since your wedding? It can be anything! Keep reading for more anniversary card wishes.
Why Give an Anniversary Card?
Some people do not frequently give anniversary cards. That’s totally okay! Giving an anniversary card is something that’s totally up to you and how the anniversary is being celebrated.
You may want to give an anniversary card because a couple you know is having an anniversary party. You may also want to give an anniversary card to your parents, because their marriage has been such a big part of your life. And obviously, couples often give one another a card with a gift on their yearly celebration.
Best Anniversaries to Give an Anniversary Card
You can give an anniversary card on any anniversary, whether it’s a big year like 25 or your celebration of nine years together! For a married couple, this might be a yearly way to celebrate the amazing love and relationship that you have readily fostered. For couples that are dating, you may give anniversary cards on month or yearly anniversaries of your relationship!
If you’re giving a card to a friend or family member, the best anniversaries to celebrate are the notable, big ones: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 60 are the anniversaries considered the biggest milestones by most people. These are amazing accomplishments that are worth celebrating!
Who Should Give an Anniversary Card
You may be wondering if it’s even your place to give someone an anniversary card! This is not worth worrying about, because whatever your relationship to the recipient may be, everyone likes a nice card and will be appreciative of the thought you put in.
That being said, if you’re giving someone an anniversary card, it should usually be safe to assume that you have a pretty close relationship with this person. Whether it’s your best friend or your soulmate, an anniversary card is a symbol of intimacy by letting the person know you’re happy that they’ve found a happy marriage.
What to Write Inside Anniversary Cards for Friends or Family
If you’re giving an anniversary card to a friend or family member, you might not be sure what to say. Obviously, you don’t want to say anything too mushy, because it’s not your anniversary– they ought to have their moment in the spotlight!
However, it’s still a nice gesture, and writing something meaningful will make for a beautiful moment on their anniversary.
Whether you’re looking for something simple or something super personal, keep reading for a bunch of ideas for what to write inside an anniversary card for friends or family.
Simple Words
- “Here’s to another year of love!”
- “Congratulations on reaching another milestone anniversary!”
- “Wishing you a very happy anniversary!”
- “Hope you have a fun anniversary this year!”
- “Congratulations on __ years of marriage– here’s to __ more!”
- “You two are so cute. Happy anniversary!”
- “I can’t believe how long it’s been. Happy anniversary!”
- “Happy anniversary to two of my favorite people!”
- “I’m so happy to be celebrating your love on your anniversary!”
- “Cheers to two of my favorite love birds on their anniversary!”
- “Pop the champagne– another anniversary and another year of love!”
- “Happy anniversary! Hope you two have a great day.”
Beautiful Quotes
- “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved”- George Sand
- “The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love”- Henry Miller
- “Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces”- Rumi
- “Life is the flower for which love is the honey”- Victor Hugo
- “Love recognizes no barriers”- Maya Angelou
- “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies”- Aristotle
- “You don’t marry someone you can live with– you marry someone you cannot live without”- Unknown
- “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other”- Audrey Hepburn
Funny Jokes
Use funny sayings about marriage and other jokes to get a laugh!
- “To two old farts– happy anniversary!”
- “You better enjoy this one, because who knows how many more you have left!”
- “Congratulations on being married, even through the grey hairs”
- “Happy anniversary– just make sure you don’t cook!”
- “I knew you two were soulmates based on your shared sense of humor. Happy anniversary!”
- “I could write something sappy in here, but then I’d have to do that every anniversary”
- “Remember how we danced at your wedding? Not sure we could do that anymore!”
- “Marriage is just choosing who to annoy for the rest of your life. Glad you two are still going strong!”
Personalized Messages
Of course, these messages are very nice, but it’s also important to include some personal flair. You know your friend or family member and the sort of banter you have between you, and you can tap into the rapport you’ve had historically to write the perfect card.
You can also share your memories of their marriage or of their wedding. Maybe you all went on a trip together that you can share some sweet memories from, or your first impression of your friend’s spouse and how you knew they were right for them. There are plenty of ways to create a very personal anniversary card for a loved one.
What to Write Inside Anniversary Card for Your Spouse
For a spouse, it’s obviously a bit more romantic than it is for a friend or family member. Your anniversary card to a spouse should be something swoon-worthy and super meaningful. It’s also a place to get even more personal than with someone else, because it’s just as much your anniversary as it is theirs.
However, you want to still do what you guys do best. If you and your spouse are used to grand gestures and proclamations of love, then that should be how you proceed! If you two are more low-key, then keep it sweet and simple. It’s entirely personal and up to you!
Special Memories
Since you’re celebrating your wedding, you may want to think about the importance of that day, or even the day you met, or the day you knew you were in love with your spouse. You might say something like:
- “The moment I saw you [walking down the aisle/at the end of the aisle] was the happiest moment of my life”
- “When I saw you at [first date location], it was love at first sight, and I knew we would be celebrating this anniversary all these years later”
- “I have known that I loved you since [specific memory], and I fall more in love with you every single day”
By tapping into these memories and meaningful relationship moments, your card is sure to be a hit.
Romantic Sayings
- “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home”- Stephanie Perkins
- “Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side”- Unknown
- “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you”- Winnie the Pooh
- “In all the world, there is no love for you like mine”- Maya Angelou
- “You are my sun, my moon and all my stars”- E.E. Cummings
- “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”- Emily Bronte
- “I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you”- Zelda Fitzgerald
Inside Moments
You could also be a little funny by bringing in some inside jokes! Every couple has those inside jokes that always somehow end up coming up and making you both crack up.
Whether it’s from a funny situation or something silly that one of you once said, using an inside joke to wish your spouse a happy anniversary will definitely make them laugh and reflect on how much they appreciate you.
Writing Your Spouse a Letter
Instead of a card or a simple wish, you could always write your spouse a whole, long letter. Many people feel that romantic letter writing is a lost art that we are missing out on today, so you can totally tap into the nostalgic longing of it by writing a lovely anniversary letter!
Writing something like a love letter may be intimidating, especially if you’ve been married a long time and feel like you may not have anything new or extra important to say in it. This means that it’s time to really tap into your heart and let your spouse know how loved they are.
You can read more about writing the perfect romantic love letter here!
Pre-Written Anniversary Cards
If you aren’t feeling any of the super mushy ideas above, you could always just buy a pre-written anniversary card. This is a great option for anyone in a hurry or who doesn’t feel comfortable baring their soul with a super personal wish.
Purchasing a great anniversary card is also a good idea because they often have beautiful art and are wonderful keepsakes! When you purchase pre-illustrated cards from an artist on Etsy or a similar platform, you are getting some serious bang for your buck and supporting an independent artist!
Back to Basics
Keep it simple with this adorable penguin card. These sweet little lovebirds are walking into the sunset over the simple message “Happy Anniversary”. This is totally perfect for friends, family, or your own spouse.
This cute line-drawn couple are absolute goals! This cutesy way of acknowledging the love of your friends is absolutely adorable. It also doesn’t have any words on the front, so you can write your own message with a personal touch!
This super cute champagne-colored card with an illustrated glass of bubbly on the front shows the celebratory nature of this anniversary perfectly. This is a great option for a party or for a couple that loves a good toast!
Hallmark Happiness
This lovely bee-themed card is a perfect opportunity to show your spouse how much you love them. Both punny and sweet, a beautiful card like this will surely show your person how happy you are to be married to them for all this time.
This cute illustration shows that you will love your spouse always and forever! The little joke at the bottom also indicates that the scope of your love goes well off the card as well. This is a sweet way to tell your spouse that you’re in it for the long haul.
For something a little bit more mushy, this sweet poem has a catchy rhyme scheme and a lot of heart in it. It also has a super cute rustic wooden look!
Silly Times
This hilarious card for your spouse shows you two as wonderfully in love avocados who fit together perfectly! One of you even has a mustache!
This card illustrates a hilarious pie chart that accurately represents all of the ups and downs of marriage, from “blanket hogger” to “my best friend”. This will surely have you two laughing and reflecting on all the little percentages of your love!
For a little joke on your partner’s bathroom habits, this one compares your love for them to the toilet paper roll that they never change. This card is funny and even references the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a moment in time that had a significant impact on every relationship!
More on Anniversary Gifts
Use any of these anniversary wishes to write a heartfelt note on your anniversary, or to congratulate a friend or family member with an anniversary card.
Here at Yeah Weddings, we stick around after the wedding. From thoughtful anniversary gifts for two years all the way to twenty years, keep reading for all of your anniversary resources.
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